By Michelle Prud'Homme Standlee
My family is blessed to live in Cedarburg -- a beautiful, small town Americana reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell painting. This quaint little spot on the map, just North of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, comes complete with antique shops, cozy bed and breakfasts, and delightful cafes lining the picturesque main street. The Cedar Creek, which flows peacefully through the town, refreshes those who gather at its side to play and picnic. The soft, frothy white waves of the Cedar Creek Falls attract tourists and residents alike with a humming, watery lullaby. Along the main street, you will find an adorable rustic shop nestled among the other vintage architecture. In 2011, we were fortunate to have Penzey's Spices open its shop doors in downtown Cedarburg. Penzey's motto is "Love People...cook them tasty food." What a perfect addition to this little city which, like Penzey's, displays a genuine love for people. Penzey's carries over a hundred different spices, which makes it easy to get creative in the kitchen. Whether you are in the mood for a zesty Italian dish or savory French cuisine, Penzey's has got you covered. What's more, the friendly shop keepers are knowledgeable about the spices and can help you choose the best flavors for your meal creation. Penzey's also takes the time to learn from its customers by listening to their questions, stories and recipe ideas. This brings me back to Penzey's love for people. Penzey's helps you create food that is not only tasty, but food that is also healthy for you and your loved ones. Without perhaps even knowing it, by using Penzey's high-quality herbs and spices you may be adding some very welcome health benefits to your meals. For thousands of years, people have used herbs and spices not only to flavor their cooking, but also as natural health remedies. Even today, many cultures still embrace this wisdom. For example, many Eastern cultures still use ginger to ease stomach ailments such as indigestion and nausea. Some research shows that ginger may help combat the common cold and even the flu. Ginger is one of the many healthful spices that Penzey's offers. (How I wish I knew of their delicious, stomach-soothing Ginger Sweet Bits when I was pregnant to ease morning sickness naturally!) For a healthy snack that also gives your stomach a little TLC, here is a nutritious smoothie recipe that includes Penzey's China Powdered #1 Ginger: Penzey's Ginger Kale Smoothie One handful of kale, spinach or other greens Half of a cucumber (peeled if waxy skin) One apple (cored and chopped, peeled if desired) 1/8 tsp Penzey's China Powdered #1 Ginger honey to taste squeeze of lemon juice enough water to cover ingredients a few ice cubes Put all in high-speed blender until smooth Serves 1-2 As I stroll down the main street with my babies in tow, I appreciate being able to live in this sweet little town where Penzey's set up shop. This is the place we call our hometown, where we will raise our children, hoping that one day they too, will appreciate its beauty and vintage charm. And now I'm heading home to make some ginger broccoli chicken for dinner...with Penzey's ginger, of course. Michelle Prud'Homme Standlee is a wife, mom, holistic Registered Nurse, and artist from Cedarburg, Wisconsin. When she is not mommying, Michelle loves writing, cooking, researching alternative medicine, and painting on canvas.
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November 2024