![]() There's a whole new way to get people out into State Parks this year, thanks to the Summit Players, a group of Marquette University kids who have a love for the bard, and who have dedicated their summers to bringing it to people all over the state, through the State Parks. According to their facebook page, " The Summit Players believe strongly in the value of theatre as a tool to improve our community, and hope that we can create some overlap between the arts, nature, and outdoor recreation through this “play out of a trunk,” Shakespeare in the State Parks venture." The group started their venture last summer with a stripped-down, 6 actor version of A Midsummer Night's Dream, which uses all of the original language of Shakespeare, but is edited to make the play friendly for all ages, and to fit into approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. This year, they've added a second production to their repertoire with As You Like It. They also offer a 45 minute free workshop, that opens up some of the mystery of Shakespeare to make it more accessible, and is perfect for school-aged children and families. I was able to see their production of A Midsummer Night's Dream two weeks ago at Harrington Beach State Park, and it was both brilliant and hysterical! The shortage of actors lends an additional comedic aspect to an already humorous tale, but somehow the Summit Players make it even more fun to watch, with just the right amount of audience participation. Plus, there's no better setting than being outdoors for Midsummer. This Saturday, July 30th, the players will be at Kohler Andrae State Park in Sheboygan, for two workshops and shows: 1 p.m workshop; 2 p.m. performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream; 5:30 p.m. workshop; and, a 7 p.m. performance of As You Like It. I wouldn't miss it, if I were you! For the Summit Players complete summer schedule, list of State Parks, and showtimes, go to: http://www.summitplayerstheatre.com/p/dates.html
By Michelle Prud'Homme Standlee
My family is blessed to live in Cedarburg -- a beautiful, small town Americana reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell painting. This quaint little spot on the map, just North of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, comes complete with antique shops, cozy bed and breakfasts, and delightful cafes lining the picturesque main street. The Cedar Creek, which flows peacefully through the town, refreshes those who gather at its side to play and picnic. The soft, frothy white waves of the Cedar Creek Falls attract tourists and residents alike with a humming, watery lullaby. Along the main street, you will find an adorable rustic shop nestled among the other vintage architecture. In 2011, we were fortunate to have Penzey's Spices open its shop doors in downtown Cedarburg. Penzey's motto is "Love People...cook them tasty food." What a perfect addition to this little city which, like Penzey's, displays a genuine love for people. Penzey's carries over a hundred different spices, which makes it easy to get creative in the kitchen. Whether you are in the mood for a zesty Italian dish or savory French cuisine, Penzey's has got you covered. What's more, the friendly shop keepers are knowledgeable about the spices and can help you choose the best flavors for your meal creation. Penzey's also takes the time to learn from its customers by listening to their questions, stories and recipe ideas. This brings me back to Penzey's love for people. Penzey's helps you create food that is not only tasty, but food that is also healthy for you and your loved ones. Without perhaps even knowing it, by using Penzey's high-quality herbs and spices you may be adding some very welcome health benefits to your meals. For thousands of years, people have used herbs and spices not only to flavor their cooking, but also as natural health remedies. Even today, many cultures still embrace this wisdom. For example, many Eastern cultures still use ginger to ease stomach ailments such as indigestion and nausea. Some research shows that ginger may help combat the common cold and even the flu. Ginger is one of the many healthful spices that Penzey's offers. (How I wish I knew of their delicious, stomach-soothing Ginger Sweet Bits when I was pregnant to ease morning sickness naturally!) For a healthy snack that also gives your stomach a little TLC, here is a nutritious smoothie recipe that includes Penzey's China Powdered #1 Ginger: Penzey's Ginger Kale Smoothie One handful of kale, spinach or other greens Half of a cucumber (peeled if waxy skin) One apple (cored and chopped, peeled if desired) 1/8 tsp Penzey's China Powdered #1 Ginger honey to taste squeeze of lemon juice enough water to cover ingredients a few ice cubes Put all in high-speed blender until smooth Serves 1-2 As I stroll down the main street with my babies in tow, I appreciate being able to live in this sweet little town where Penzey's set up shop. This is the place we call our hometown, where we will raise our children, hoping that one day they too, will appreciate its beauty and vintage charm. And now I'm heading home to make some ginger broccoli chicken for dinner...with Penzey's ginger, of course. Michelle Prud'Homme Standlee is a wife, mom, holistic Registered Nurse, and artist from Cedarburg, Wisconsin. When she is not mommying, Michelle loves writing, cooking, researching alternative medicine, and painting on canvas. Since 1999, Tom "Mel" Stanton and his friends have been creating "great times for great causes;" raising money for numerous non-profits throughout Ozaukee County. One of their great times, Melapalooza, is returning for the 4th year this weekend, July 15th through the 17th, at Centennial Park in Grafton.
One part softball tournament, one part music festival, Melapalooza will host 14 softball teams and 8 bands over the course of the weekend, with proceeds benefiting All My Friends Playground, a volunteer based charity that is looking to build an all-inclusive playground for children of all abilities to come and play together at Centennial Park. The park was spearheaded by Ozaukee resident, Diane Dyer, who is the President of Living Life with Autism. Her daughter, Cassie, was the inspiration for the park. Event hours are 5-10 p.m. on Friday, 9:30 a.m.-10 p.m. on Saturday, and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sunday. Mel's famous pulled pork sandwich, along with brats, burgers, hot dogs and drinks will be available for purchase, but the music is free: Friday, July 15th 5:30-7:30 p.m. Some Assembly Required 8:00-10:00 p.m. Dr. Woo Saturday, July 16th 1:00-2:30 p.m. Serious Jones 3:00-5:00 p.m. Ozaukee County Jam Band 5:30-7:30 p.m. Piano Brew 8:00-10:00 p.m. Rhythm Method Sunday, July 17th noon-1:30 p.m. South End Blues Band 2:00-4:00 The Mission River Band For more information, visit the Mel's Charities Facebook Page or go to www.melscharities.org. ![]() Since 1964, Port Washington has been home to Fish Day, the "world's largest outdoor fish fry;" a one-day festival that includes a parade, fireworks, carnival rides, helicopter rides, a car show, arts & crafts festival, live music and, of course, fish and chips -- all while raising money for a number of local civic organizations, including the Rotary Club, Kiwanis, and Lions Club. This year's theme is "Fishmas in July," so bust out your Santa caps and join in the fun! The day begins at 8 a.m. with an 8K Run & 2 mile Fun Run/Walk benefiting Portal, Inc., a not-for-profit human service agency serving adults with disabilities. There are categories for all ages, and registration can be taken the day of the event. One of the biggest draws to the festival is the parade, which begins at 10 a.m. at Wisconsin and Walters Streets, and runs south on Wisconsin Street to Grand Avenue. Featuring a variety of marching bands and entertainment of all kinds, the parade runs at least an hour long, and vendors sell fish and chips along the route to hungry parade-goers. While the festival is free, a button is required to enter the Main Stage area, which can be purchased for $5 on the grounds. This year, the Main Stage features several Country Music artists, beginning with the Milwaukee-based band, Road Crew, from 2:15-5:45. From 6:15-6:45, the McMenamin Irish Dancers will take the stage. Then, Nora Collins, a WAMI "Rising Star" will make a special appearance from 7-7:30 p.m. Finally, Josh Thompson will take the stage from 8-9:30 p.m. The Main Stage isn't the only place to catch live music. The Band Shell at Veteran's Memorial Park will host the acoustic duo, J-Dubz Live, from 11:15 a.m.- 2 p.m.; Bobby Way & The Fabulous Way Outs from 2:30-6:30; and Beatles tribute band, The Britins, from 7-9:30 p.m. The Blues Stage (located near the main gate on Washington St.) will feature Generation Gap from 11:00 a.m.-1:15 p.m., KIC band from 1:45-5:15 p.m., and the Robert Allen Jr. Duo from 5-6:15 p.m. The Lake View Stage (located off of Jackson St. on the lakefront will have Scotch and Soda from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Track 6 from 3:15-6:30 p.m., and The Rush Tribute Project from 7-9:30 p.m. The Classic Car Show, Arts & Crafts Show, and Helicopter Rides all begin at 10 a.m. in Upper Lake Park, where the Family Zone is also located. The Carnival, located across from Veteran's Memorial Park, will also begin at 10 a.m., while the popular Soccer Water Fights begin at 3 p.m. in Veteran's Memorial Park. The annual Smoked Fish Eating Contest will happen at the Lake View Stage from 2:30-3:15. The grand finale, of course, is an incredible fireworks display, which begins at 9:30 p.m., and closes the event at 10 p.m. For more, up to date information, visit the Fish Day Facebook Page, or go to www.portfishday.com. |
November 2024